Are you ready to up your pitching game with our ultimate pitching guide?
The Get Blogged Marketplace allows you to pitch your services and your fee. But, pitching can be tough, can’t it?
We’ve put together the Ultimate Pitching Guide for you to use whenever you need to.
Some of our favorite bloggers and brands have submitted their top pitching tips and my own team has given some insight into why they’ll pick your proposal over any else!

Here’s Ruth, our Marketing Manager’s Advice…
- Let us know why you’re passionate about that particular assignment!
- Include a link to a previous post you’ve written on a similar topic, or just let us know why this opportunity caught your eye and you feel like it’s perfect for you.
- We love to see your enthusiasm for the subject shine through
- Show us how you’d tackle the assignment and how you’d bring it to life.

Michelle from Coconut Odyssey Says…
- Be upfront straight away, i.e. are you happy to receive a gifted product to review, or do you want it to be a paid collaboration and not just paid in kind?
- Hook brands in the first sentence & the subject line!
- Research is key! I can spend a whole day researching a brand before I even send over my pitch. Research them on LinkedIn, on their own website, and see who else is working with them before you do anything!
- Tell them who you are and why they need to keep reading the rest of your pitch. I explain straight away that I specialize in scuba diving and wildlife to hook them.
- Sadly some brands still think content creators are just looking for freebies so make sure you tell them what you can offer in return

Here are Emma’s Pitching Tips…
- Introduce yourself, a bit about you, why you love your niche of blogging, and how long you’ve been blogging for.
- Explain your blog post idea for the job you are applying for – what sort of blog post would resonate with your readers? What angle would you take on the task at hand?
- Link a previous similar blog post you have written.
- Tell us your stats – do you also always share on your Twitter account with X amount of followers? Let us know a little bit more about your numbers.
- Make your own template for this so you can just edit it per job and topic rather than re-write it each time.
- Just be yourself and let us know about your blog. You’re here for a reason already – you’re bloody good at what you do and we’re always excited to work with you!

Jo from Girl Eats World Blog Gives Her Advice…
- Cut to the chase: PR companies and brand marketing teams are busy. Let them know in a brief, friendly introduction who you are, what you do, and why you would be a good fit to work with them. Back this up with a summary of your blog/social stats.
- Provide options: Being vague adds workload to the person you are contacting.
- It’s great to add instant value by showing options for how you could work together. This could be packages for what you include within your services for blog or Instagram promotion.
- I think it’s handy to offer an indication of price as well to avoid assumptions on either side.
- Be enthusiastic: I dislike the notion that bloggers should sit back and quietly wait to be approached for opportunities. That isn’t how business works and the squeaky wheel gets the grease. However your credibility relies on picking brands that fit with your niche and values, so ensure that whoever you’re approaching it is done with true passion. You should know about the brand and be enthusiastic about what they do.

Advice From Our Brands…
- Be sure to include the title of the post you’d write, as well as some brief bullet points explaining the points you’d cover in your post.
- We love it when you share a personal story or experience, or you mention a piece of research in the subject area that you think your readers would love to hear about.
- When using the Marketplace, make sure you let (us) the brand know exactly what you can offer them, in terms of specific deliverables. ‘I can help you with this campaign’, for example, is a little vague. But ‘I can write a 500-word review of your product on my blog, and create a grid post on Instagram featuring custom photography for £xx’ lets them see exactly what you have to offer and what a partnership would look like in practical terms.
- The main thing I look for in a pitch is the content idea.
- Site metrics are important, and will largely qualify or disqualify the blog from the off, but for someone to really be in the running, they have to show they have understood the brief and offer up a great content idea that would suit the campaign.
- A pitch doesn’t have to be long and cover all the metrics every time, but to really show your buy-in and understanding of the brief is important for the hiring manager.
Make the most of our pitching feature – it could be your one-way ticket to blogging success!
What are your best pitching tips?
Which of these tips will you take away and put into practice?
2 Responses
Very true and great information to remember when pitching.
Thanks for the tips, very useful!