February 8th marks ‘Safer Internet Day’ and I thought this was the perfect opportunity to explain how we keep your data on Get Blogged safe, and detail the lengths we go to make sure your experience of using Get Blogged is discrete.
Did you know that 80% of emails are leaked on the dark web?
According to the Identity Theft Resource Center’s Annual Data Breach Report, there were 1,862 data breaches in 2021. That is an all-time high and a 68% increase over breaches in 2020.
Lookout, the leader in delivering integrated Security, Privacy, and Identity Theft Protection solutions, also shared that a whopping 80% of people’s emails are leaked on the dark web as a result of data breaches.
When data breaches happen, passwords for online accounts are also commonly leaked, leaving consumers at risk for identity theft.
In order to keep you safe on the web, Lookout has shared the top 10 passwords found on the dark web.
The top 10 passwords found on the dark web
- 123456
- 123456789
- Qwerty
- Password
- 12345
- 12345678
- 111111
- 1234567
- 123123
- Qwerty123
Do you spot your password on this list?
How we protect your data and keep your Get Blogged experience safe
I caught up with our technical director, Luke, and asked him to describe the ways his team do their part in keeping your data on Get Blogged safe.
Safety for our users is at the forefront of our inhouse development guidelines. With each feature we add we carefully consider not just what the possible security implications are, but also how we can raise the bar on protecting you when using GetBlogged.
Luke – Technical Director @ Get Blogged
We never pass your data to any third parties
Isn’t that just the most annoying thing ever?
We will never ever sell or pass your data onto another business. We own both Bloggers Required and Get Blogged, so we sometimes mention the two platforms in emails but that’s as far as the sharing goes.
We don’t store your payment details
We use an established dedicated payment gateway, so Get Blogged handles as little of the payment process as possible, meaning we do not store your payment details.
Additionally, we have implemented extra checks on automatic tasks to allow for validation and manual checks depending on the amount of money being handled on the platform, meaning we are able to step in and prevent any suspicious behaviour against your account.
Luke – Technical Director @ Get Blogged
Passwords are hashed and salted
All Get Blogged passwords are hashed and salted. This means we have no record of your actual password and that it is almost impossible for it to be decrypted.
Hashed and salted passwords prevents anyone else (even us!) from seeing your password should your account be compromised.
Luke – Technical Director @ Get Blogged
Luke goes on to explain:
Additionally, when setting up a password you may receive an error message stating that the password is weak, but we don’t just check for capital letters. Before creating an account we do a quick check against a large dataset to ensure the password you are using is not already publicly listed as a common password (like the list above.) These are often used for brute force attacks.
Your profile is never shared publicly and we prevent automatic scraping
We encourage you to create a full profile, with as much detail as possible as it helps with the quality of your collaborations.
Your profile will not be shared publicly, neither is it available for search engines to index. Your profile is only visible to logged in members of Get Blogged.
Whilst we had already blocked any public access to profiles as standard, changing each of the profile URLs to a unique ID is an extra step to prevent any automated scraping.
Luke – Tech Director @ Get Blogged
Your blogging jobs are not shared publicly
A new user asked me the other day if blogging jobs are shared publicly and my answer was no we don’t.
To view blogging jobs on Get Blogged, you have to have a blogger account. So when we promote jobs to our community of bloggers, we do that on the Get Blogged platform, in our private and exclusive blogger Facebook group and to our opt-in blogger email list.
We don’t share you are a Get Blogged brand user unless you give us permission
The reality is we are proud to have you as a valued member of our community and we’d love to shout from the rooftops that you’re using Get Blogged.
But we realise that those using Get Blogged for SEO campaigns or as a tool for their client campaigns, may want to be a bit secret squirrel, and we respect that.
The bottom line on data safety…
Safety for our users is at the forefront of our business. Our Technical Director, Luke, confirms that with each feature we add we carefully consider the security implications and how we can raise the bar on protecting you when using GetBlogged. When it comes to encouraging proposals for blogging jobs, we only share them on our private forums, and all platform engagement is private for logged-in members only. No scraping, stealing or breaches here.
We’ve got your backs (…and your data.)